A Seat At The Table

A collaborative brief set during D&AD’s New Blood Academy 2021. ↓

#HSBC #WundermanThompson #WPP #D&AD #Collaborative

The Brief:

Set in partnership with HSBC, as part of the D&AD New Blood Academy 2021, I worked alongside a creative team to respond to a live brief.

“Help people discover HSBC is becoming the world’s most digitally accessible bank.”

We were to produce a promotional campaign, highlighting what HSBC has already done and intends to do in order to make their facilities accessible for everybody regardless of their physical or mental abilities.

Once the live brief came to an end, we were also presented with the opportunity to pitch our campaign and ideas to those who had set the brief at HSBC as well as representatives from agencies under WPP.

Team: Chiara Fritsch, Lily Stock, Namrata Gupta, Nathan Monaghan.


Our Insight:

Everybody benefits from accessibility. However it is typically treated as an add on or after thought, we want to highlight the benefits which everybody gains from inclusive thinking and its innovations which we, perhaps without realising, use on a daily basis.

Our Idea:

A campaign focusing on three areas; informing, raising awareness and teaching everybody about accessibility, inclusive thinking and the role that HSBC plays in this in its journey to become the world’s most digitally accessible bank.

Our Reach:

Our campaign would be stretched out across various touch points in order to reach out to both users and non HSBC users of all ages. Video, TV Advertisements, Social Media, taught classes being some examples of this. To learn from their insights and perspectives, we would like to partner up with disabled creatives while working on this campaign.

Full pitch slides can be viewed here, a script for the pitch can be found here.