By Eve Poppy

Brand refresh for swimwear and lingerie brand By Eve Poppy. ↓

#KokoAndKofy #BrandRefresh #ProductDesign #WebsiteDesign #SocialMedia

The Brief:

“Create a brand refresh and updated assets which By Eve Poppy can use to create more brand consistency and presence across social media and physical contents.”

Team: Koko & Kofy; Namrata Gupta, Shyam Patel


Insight, Idea & Reach:

By Eve Poppy is growing by the day, to retain this audience as well as appeal to new, potential customers we felt as though a proposed brand refresh would benefit the brand. The brand refresh focused on introducing proposed accent colours and updated social media icons.

We then applied this brand refresh across various assets, focusing on creating content which the customers would personally interact with such as garment tags, postage boxes and thank you cards.

To finish, we created a new website prototype; a more interactive and updated version to By Eve Poppy’s original website.

Brand Refresh PDF can be viewed here!

By Eve Poppy Website:

Colour me Pink:

To enhance By Eve Poppy’s existing colour palette, we introduced some additional pinks and reds. Each colour was then given a name and description to emphasise its necessity and importance within the brand. By Eve Poppy stands with the aims to bring forth desire, confidence and inviduality and each curated colour plays a role in empowering consumers.


Social Refresh:

To achieve further brand consistency, an update was made to the existing social media icons with the application of the newly introduced colours too. The intentions of these icons is to apply them across social media posts, allowing viewers to immediately identity the post as a By Eve Poppy post and to simultaneously use them as Highlights icons, allowing for a more curated selection of posts.