Bustle Bundles

Creative packs of educational materials for young children currently learning from home. ↓

#Branding #CharacterDesign #PackageDesign #Illustration #Educational

The Brief:

'Produce a resource for education which is both fun and educational to aid young children who are currently learning from home.'

Along with Bustle Bundles, my Dissertation and accompanying animation project, Learn Through Play are supporting pieces for this brief.

Bustle Bundles characters x10.


With remote learning now becoming more prevalent, we have now begun to rely on online taught sessions, pdfs and packs of worksheets for us to be able to continue with our education. For young children and their parents especially, this move to learning at home has proven to be difficult for various reasons such as distractions, lack of time and lack of access to content.


Bustle Bundles are creative packs of educational materials designed to increase the engagement levels of young children learning from home. Featured are ten unique characters, each with a distinct identity, that are associated with a specific subject, such as Maths, Science, and Art. The Bustle Bundles packs include essential materials and easy to follow instructions.


Bustle Bundles has been designed for children of Nursery and KS1 age; 3 - 7 years old, their parents who can rely on the Bustle Bundles packs to keep their child engaged and interested with their learning and also school teachers who can integrate the use of Bustle Bundles within their taught curriculum. Bustle Bundles would be available from educational and book retailers as well as local libraries and school book fairs.

Interactive Worksheets:

Pack It Up!

To contain the excitement, outer packaging for Bustle Bundles has been created to hold the worksheets as well as stationary and miscellaneous items which can aid the child in completing the challenges given. The outer box itself is a compact square shape, the size allowing for a child to be able to hold and open it themselves with ease, giving them a sense of ownership over the package and its contents.

Circular stickers of six of the Bustle Bundles characters.
GIF of front covers of Bustle Bundles boxes.
Front of Maths Bustle Bundle box.
Back of Maths Bustle Bundle box.

Bustle Bundles in the real world: