
An app created to contact emergency services. ↓

#UX #UI #EmergencyServices #App #InVision

The Brief:

'Create an app to improve the life of an individual you know. The app must 'do good' and lift someone's life.'


Following the brief, I wanted to create an app that can bring positive change and assistance to everybody and for the app to be easily understood by everybody, including children, the elderly and the disabled community.


Inspired by how there had recently been two local robberies, I chose to create an app which allows one to quickly contact the required emergency services by quickly tapping through a series of screens. Aidease does not focus on just robberies but any services provided by 999 or 101 and has a clean interface with simple illustrations and language used across the app.


As of now, Aidease is a prototype of what the final app would be. An interactive mock up version of Aidease is accessible here. However the intention of Aidease is for it to become a fully developed app which would be free to download and access from mobile app stores.